Je crois vraiment que c 'est mon plus beau voyage ! Regardez ces photos !!!
Et allez jusqu' à la dernière pour voir une petite vidéo...
Sur la vidéo, on voit les papillons accrochés en grappes sur les arbres, ils sont marrons et en hypothermie, et là c 'est en fin de matinée , et avec les rayons du soleil , ils se réchauffent et petit à petit prennent leur envol ...
Si vous voulez en savoir un peu plus , vous pouvez aller là :
Mais il y a plein d 'autres infos , ils suffit de taper : papillon monarque ...
RépondreSupprimertrop beau les papillons !!!
Oui ! vraiment , et c 'est bien que ces papillons soient protégés , personne ne voudrait qu' ils disparaissent !
RépondreSupprimerWow! Lots of butterflies! Was it just wonderful or a little scary??
RépondreSupprimerHello, Brownie! Mascott really loved his last travel , he found himself in Mesico last week with all those wonderful butterflies , it was like a dream, and he was not afraid at all. Although in the past the local people believed they were the souls of the departed , he thought they were more like angels.
RépondreSupprimerOh, my dear've been around the world!! I can see that butterflies also love you very much. Thanks for this great journey and the lovely photos!
RépondreSupprimerHello Aputsiaq, hope you are fine ! I did love that journey and the butterflies- and many humans envy me ... I was lucky that this year they were 2 months late, so that I could see them , but I am worried that there might be consequences on their life cycle ... Let's hope not! Anyway , I am already thinking about another trip, but nothing will compare to that I am afraid ... But still I am curious about the world, it will be different certainly but I am certain there are other wonderful things to see. And I am particularly glad that you appreciate the monarchs. Don't they remind you of the stained glasses that you appreciate ?